This story is stupid, made for fun, and there is no reason to
take it in any serious manner.
Worth mentioning- Some parts of it uses the online story
"Hayashvanim" by Tsach that was published at the forum
"anime-IL" which no longer exists.
I hope you'll enjoy this stupid plot.
"Take that you gay!" said the gang member and punched
the poor guy face.
"Hey look! He is so hipster that he has blonde bangs the
hides his eye!" laughed other homophobe.
"So he has bangs because he likes to bang? Hahaha!"
"Wait, do you mean… that he actually enjoys that we beat
him…? " stressed out another homophobe.
"Disgusting!" said another and kicked the blonde gay
on his stomach.
"You… are… wrong… I didn't enjoy it" the poor guy
finally tried to defend himself.
"Shut up!" said the leader of the gang while stomping
his head with his shiny shoe. "You are the reason that there are wars in
the world".
"Oh look… you got our leader's foot dirty with your ill
blood, you better pay clean it with your saliva." said a low member of the
"Shut up Abuchazira. Do you really think I want his saliva?
As a punishment, go find a giant brick. We are going to smash his face"
The poor gay guy saw the end. He is going to die unless some
Deus ex Machina saves him.
"Stop!" called Deus ex Machina. I mean a guy with long
braid that passes his butt that looks at the same age of the poor gay.
"Hahaha! And your next line is "Guys like you hits
only the weak", isn't it?" said the leader of the gang.
"Wrong, he is not weak at all. You are the weak. You can't
love your own selves, hence why you get your rage on others"
"That's some Shakespeareian words, but can they hold
"Leader, what is Shakespeare...?" said one of the gang
"SHUT UP ABUCHAZIRA! Guys, get him!" say the leader
while pointing his finger to kill the braided guy. At once, all of them ran
toward him. All of them, except Abuchazira which was trying to figure out what
"Shakespeare" is.
"And now you are going to make me use another ink. Those
things are expensive you know…" The braided guy took out from is pocket a
small diary, and started drawing.
"What is that?! The Doom Note?! Maybe his name is actually
Light?" laughed a low life shitty person. But as soon he did it, a storm
of chains came out of nowhere and tied tight all the gang, making them unable
to move.
"You were close about my name. Not Light, it is Hikaru
Kurosetto! Don't forget it" said Hikaru.
The gang leader fled for his life. Leaving all the others tied
as if it was a sadomazo porn scene.
"Are you okay?!" Hikaru asked and rushed to the poor
guy help. "Looks like you are at the same age as me. What's your name?"
"Yotam. I actually moved here recently, and starts tomorrow
12 grade in Yaoitobara School"
"What a coincidence! I'm at this school too. We may be
"Thank you Hikaru. Will you be my first friend at the
"No worries bro. And by the way, there is nothing wrong
with being gay. It may be not 'normal', but 'normal' is just a percentage of
the most common thing. So don't worry".
Yotam's heart started beating. It is been a while since someone
actually told him something so nice about his sexual preference.
And as in the next day, Hikaru entered the class. "Mai! You
are at the same class me!"
"Of course, I know you asked for it from the
principal" answered the girl.
"Yeah, we've been friends since kindergarten, so it will be
weird if we won't be together"
"So Hikaru, do you and Mai are dating?" said a
familiar voice from the side.
"We are not" Hikaru while thinking to himself 'yet'.
"Wait who said it?" while realizing it was Yotam.
"So you are really really not dating?!" he asked.
"Yeah. Why are you so cautious about that?" asked Mai.
"No- Nothing" answered Yotam while blushing.
15 minutes earlier the gang of homophobes was meeting. They talked
to their leader. The leader was also a 12-grade student at Yaoitobara School.
"Eliran! You bastard! You forsake us!" said of them
"Shut up! And don't dare call me "Eliran". I told
you to call me "Leader" or "Boss". Show your respect for
"No, you are no longer our leader!"
"Yeah Eliran. You are nothing to me from now on!"
"You bastards! You actually leave me? Didn't we decide to
work together?!"
"You should have thought about it before leaving us at
sadomazo pose!" said one of them, and kicked Eliran's balls. The gang
leaved, leaving Eliran at immense pain.
"That gay… Hikaru… That's all because of you!" he said
to himself.
The class has started, the president of the class, a blue long
haired with a few spiky hairs at his forehead, named Gon waited for the
teacher. At the last moment, Eliran got in time for class. He saw Yotam,
Hikaru, and Mai sit next to each other. "Fuck! I have the worst luck ever.
I'm actually with them in the class", he thought to himself.
In the two weeks after that, Hikaru and Mai became great friends
with Yotam. Yotam at the time joined the Theater Club and Dancing Club. His
legs became strong yet very flexible. The rumor was that all the boys in the
Dancing Club were gays. The one who made the rumor was obviously a homophobe,
or homo himself at the club, as he wanted gay friends for mass anal orgy.
One day Hikaru opened his locker. An envelope with kiss mark of
a pink lipstick on it fell from it. "Oh Hikaru, that's a love letter"
said a friend.
"Lo- love letter?" Hikaru was shocked.
"Yeah, someone is going to confess you. Heh, it may be even
"Mai?! Oh yeah I'll read it" said Hikaru and opened
the envelope which was written as this.
'Hikaru, I finally realized that I love you more than anyone.
There is nobody I care for more than you. You have changed my life. I finally
began to believe in myself thanks to you. I won't tell you who I am for the surprise,
but you probably already know. I'll wait for you tomorrow in the rooftop at
5:00 PM. I love you.'
In the next day Hikaru rushed to the roof. He was waiting with
his back directed toward the doors of the roof for the element of surprise.
"Honey!!!" said a voice and hugged Hikaru from behind.
But something was weird about it. Those weren't slim arms, they were heavy and
strong. Hikaru turned to see who it was to see it is actually Yotam. "So
you were a gay too! I'm so happy".
Hikaru was shocked, in very negative way. The only thing he
could say is "You are disgusting! I wish you'll kill yourself you homo!"
Yotam's mind was broken. Hikaru is the one who helped for
accepting that being a gay is fine. And now he says those things. "Fine!
Then I'll kill myself!"
"Yeah! Kill yourself!" said Hikaru. Only to see Yotam
runs to jump from the roof. "What are you doing?!" said Hikaru and
caught Yotam at the last moment. "I was joking you idiot".
But, as Yotam was at weight of 90 kilos, while Hikaru was at 65
kilos, Hikaru couldn't hold it for long. And the last moment he was able to
caught Yotam with one hand and in the other hand the railing of the roof.
"Hikaru! I'm sorry; I don't want to actually die!"
"Obviously you don't! I'll try to hold as much I can!"
At the same time, Eliran, who lost all his friends, strayed in
the school with no purpose. He looked up to the sky only to see Yotam and
Hikaru almost fall.
He started running toward the roof. "What am I
doing?!" he thought to himself. "I totally hate them!" "I
wish they'll die! They ruined my life!" "But no, I'm not that bad person
to see classmates fall to death with doing something!"
As he ran he passed by Gon and Mai. "You know it is against
the school rules' to run in the school buildings" said Gon.
"Shut up! It is an emergency! Yotam and Mai's boyfriend are
going to die!" shouted Eliran.
"Hikaru!" Mai was worried and rushed along with
Eliran. Gon rushed along with them too. At the last moment Gon, Eliran, and Mai
were able to pull Hikaru and Yotam for safety. Mai hugged Hikaru and started
crying "You… idiot".
"I'm sorry that I made you worry, Mai" said Hikaru and
hugged her.
That's when Yotam realized; Hikaru was waiting for Mai. Both of
them actually wants to date each other, but for some reason can't take the step
to do it. After that, he talked to Eliran. "Eliran, despite that you tried
to kill me two weeks ago, and laughed about my bangs, today you saved me.
That's why I'll show you this". He moved his bangs a bit, only for deep
scars to be shown on his face.
"Those scars… how did you get them…?" Eliran asked
"I got them… from my father… "
"What?!" Gon was shocked.
"That was from the day I got out of the closet. My father burned
my face. It doesn't hurt anymore, but he said he can't accept a gay son. The
reason that I moved to this city is because he won't let me live with him
"I am so sorry" said Eliran.
"Eliran, despite you were a delinquent, you don't look like
a bad guy at all." said Mai.
"How can I repay you for my terrible acts?!" asked
"You already paid. All of you did. Hikaru, Gon, Mai, and
you" said Yotam. "But if you want to repay somehow, then be my
"Thank you…" said Eliran.
"Well, now that we are all friends let's high five for our
new friendship team" said Mai happily.
The five looked at each other eyes, as their party just began.
Hikaru, Mai, Yotam, Gon, and Eliran.
On the other side of the city Raven, Kaisa, Zubi and Nathan were
sitting at meeting with their slaves.
"Zubi! Show the name for our political party!" said
"Yes!" said Zubi. "The name is… Vigoria! As a
combination for 'Vigor'- good physical health and strength, and 'Viagra'- The
drug that makes your dick go harden! That will be our name!"
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This Chapter Artwork, by me. |