This story will be probably
very short. I assume it will be no longer than six chapters. Therefore, I
didn't feel the need to open a new website for it (As I did with my currently
ongoing 'Pokemon Blaze and Furukawa'. Enjoy my latest work 'Truck Isekai' at
the website of 'Homo Sama no Daibouken'.
"Yosef, you are fired!!!! How
could you do that?!!!!" my boss screamed at me and released his anger on
me. That asshole! I did nothing wrong! "Our client was very important!"
he continued. "All you had to do is to negotiate a deal with him. But
instead just because he said a few words which you didn't like you punched his
"No!!!! I quit! I won't let you
fire me! I won't suffer your humiliating behavior toward me!" I'm such a genius;
I showed that asshole who is the real man here! I took my car and went home to
my beautiful wife Anat, and my two my beloved daughters Orly and Meital. Well,
to put it technically, Anat isn't the prettiest woman ever; some will even say
that she is ugly. But for me it doesn't matter. She is beautiful for me, and
that's what important. We were dating for three years when we were both young
at one of the lesser known colleges of Renpuar. When I saw her for the first
time, I knew she is the one for me. Her green eyes, her bowl hairstyle, and the
way she was so dedicated to her studies. She was perfect. I was blessed that
she agreed to date me, and even marry me. When we were both at age 30 she
finally gave birth to Orly, and two years later I was blessed again with
Meital. Now both of us are forty years old. Orly and Meital are already at
elementary school. Can you actually believe how blessed am I?
When I returned home, I made a dinner
to my daughters and let them to eat them well. I waited until they'll fall
asleep to talk with my wife. After all, I don't have a job anymore. I explained
this to my wife.
"Wait… wait… am I hearing
right?" asked Anat. It seems she didn't understand. "You were fired,
"So instead you quit your job
because of your ego, right?"
"Yeah. You seem worried. Don't
worry about the money. We'll have a compensation payment for six months."
"You idiot!!!!!! Son of the bitch!!!!!"
she screamed at me. How dare she curse my mother?! I tried to stay calm and to
understand why she said that.
"What did I do wrong?!!!!"
"Your problem is not knowing WHY
you were wrong!". There it is again, her typical answer to situations like
that…. Why do all women say that?! How am I supposed to know where I was wrong…
"Still, explain it to me…"
"You won't get a compensation
"What?! When you are getting
fired you must get one! You are talking nonsense!"
"He didn't fire you. Well, he
did, but then you said you quit."
…. Shit!!!!!!! I realized what I just
did! Fuck!!!!!!! I'm such an idiot!!!!! All of because my big mouth and my
ego!!! Fuck! Shit!
"Just because of your ego… our
income is getting cut by half! How will we pay Orly's and Meital's afternoon
lessons?! And you are smoking as well! Who will pay that?!"
No! Don't touch my tobacco! But of
course I can't say that! Shit!!!!! "Meital's birthday is coming next
month. So let's pass on that."
She kicked my balls. "Don't dare
saying that!". She took my cigarettes. "You have two left. Enjoy
those two. They are your last forever."
No!!!!! But of course I can't say
that. "Let's cut on our food then!"
"Fine. Your food then."
"You put it on us. You'll eat
from now only one sandwich per day, and that will be only thing you'll eat for
a day."
"Are you insane?! I'll
"You have a lot of fat anyway.
It is a good opportunity to lose that."
That asshole! I know I'm fat. So
what?!!! How is it my fault?!!!!! So I made a mistake! This is no reason to
ruin our relationship!!
"I'll get a job tomorrow. I'll
do whatever it takes. Anat, I love you. I don't want to ruin our relationship.
I'm sorry!!!" I was about to cry, but man cannot show to his woman his
weakness in front of her. I have to be strong. No more tobacco. For Anat, Orly,
and Meital.
Anat realized how bad she treated me
right now. "I'm sorry as well. I shouldn't have said that…". That's
what I love about her. She knows to admit her mistakes. "Want to have
sex?" she asked. "The girls are sleeping. It is a good chance.".
I grabbed her chest and took her to bed while holding her at my arms. The sex
was amazing. Even as forty years old woman, Anat knows how to satisfy me her
top tier inner parts and her pink pyramids. I didn't know at the time it will
be the last time ever I'll have sex with her…
During the morning I went right away
to search for a job. As my job before I was fired was working at insurance
company, I searched for another company to work for. I tried the first company
'Deal with you Momma'. Quite a childish name, and it is a wonder how they have
clients, but the name is not important; I need a job, now!
…. I should have known better… it
won't be as easy to get a job.
"How about no?" the
interviewer slammed with his fist on the table. "Listen Yosef; I don't
mean to be rude, but we were told not welcome you. We've heard how punched a
client because of your tantrum."
"It was one time mistake! It
won't happen here! I promise!"
"You really think we can trust
that? 'Deal with your Momma' has its reputation to maintain. We can't let you
work for us. The company you worked for yesterday is in a big problem because
of you."
"You!!!! You are…."
"Oh, you are going to punch me
as well? Do it Yosef, just do it. It will show more reasons not to welcome
Damn it! I left. I'll find another
company. When I left the building I found myself in a meadow. The trees were
green and shiny.
"Roxanne is one of the best
whores ever!" said one person you looked suspicious.
"Yeah I'll kill her master and fuck
her hard!" said his friend who had a horn on his head.
"Damn I saw one painting of her…
she is so sexy… I want to bang her so much…"
Who is Roxanne? I blinked my eyes and
found myself at the big city. Was I dreaming? I went to company after company,
but none of them welcomed me. The day has passed, full with disappointments. At
8:00 PM I returned home. I opened the door and then saw one blond woman, with
enormous breasts naked sitting on a bed with a white sheet. "Is it to your
liking? Master?" she asked. I somehow knew; she is Roxanne. I pulled my
arm to grab those beautiful mountains.
"Yosef!" someone was
calling me. "Yosef!!!! Yosef!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I blinked again and saw
"Anat… what are you doing
here?" I asked.
"What are you doing?! You were
standing here for five minutes like a pole."
"Oh I'm sorry…". So Roxanne
was just a dream? I'm starting to see things. As if I saw a different world… "Anat.
I'm sorry." I sat on couch. "Nobody will welcome to me for working."
"It is okay. Just find a work at
something. Even working at trash will do."
Wait… what…
"Listen. I talked to my brother,
Amihai, you know he works as trash truck driver, right?"
No… don't dare saying it… please… no!
"He said that he'll welcome you
as his colleague. He needs someone to help him with the cans."
No!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the worst job
I had to wake up at the shittiest
time of the morning; 4:00 AM. Since we have to complete empting the cans of
five big neighborhoods before the schools' time starts, we have to start
working at 5:00 AM. I understand this; since I'm myself get annoyed when a
trash track blocks the entire street for fifteen minutes which feels like an
eternity when I'm rushed to get my workplace right in time. But still, it
As each day passed I felt more and
more like a loser; working for only three hours each day, holding in my hands
the shit the people shot out of their disgusting anus, and what do I earn from
this? Only a tenth out of pervious income of my honored job. People tend to say
that "All jobs are treated equally". Those people probably never
worked in the trash. I tended to say this as well, but no more!
"So, who are you voting
for?" asked Amihai at one day. Oh yeah, soon the presidential elections
are coming.
"I'm not really into
politics." I answered.
"I'm probably going to vote to
"Aren't those are bunch of
insane gays?"
"You could say that. But their
leader, Raven Hulk is going to help for all of the gays in the world. He will
create a better future for gays at Renpuar."
"Amihai, I didn't know you are
"No, no. I'm not. But a friend
of mine is one. I want him to walk proudly and not hide."
"Well, I don't care for the
outcome. Left and right, they are both of the same in the end. But I'll vote
for Vigoria for you."
"Thanks buddy! Do you want to
drink something at the night? We are working together for a month already. We
are good friends, aren't we?"
"Yeah we are. But I don't have
money for that you know…"
"Then it is on me. I'll pay.
Just don't get crazy with your orders."
I ordered just a cola at the night.
Amihai on the other hand, drunk like insane person. He drunk fucking three
bottles of Vodka. He said he will be fine, so I believed him.
… He wasn't fine. At the morning he
couldn't get up from his bed. "Can you do the job for today alone?"
he asked.
"I don't have a license for a
"It will be fine… it works
basically the same as driving a car. Believe me."
I decided to do to job for today
alone. I'll have to be quick. Meital has a birthday today at her school. She anticipated
for this for weeks already, and wanted me to come as well. However, by doing it
alone I have double the work to do.
The time was already 10:00 AM. It is
getting late. I must get in time to Meital's birthday! It already started. I
finally finished with the work at 10:15 AM. Meital, I'm coming! Daddy is on the
way! I pushed the gas and drove like crazy. I felt hitting something when I was
on my way. I didn't see it though because I was messaging something on my phone
to Anat that I'm on my way while I was driving. It probably must be cat or
something… right? Right?!!!!