Saturday, September 4, 2021

Homo Sama No Daibouken Chapter 1- Professor Kaisa

 The story is stupid, made for fun, and there is no reason to take it in any serious manner. 

Worth mentioning- Some parts of it uses the online story "Hayashvanim" by Tsach that was published at the forum "anime-IL" which no longer exists. 

I hope you'll enjoy this stupid plot. 

I'm someone; you can call me "God" or any other name to your liking. Even Ahmed will be fine. Many years ago I started my project- making this empty space alive. I tried many times, created many planets, but only one was a success. I called my boy "Earth". After many years, 65 million before the time you are reading this, my biggest project has failed- my giant monsters called "dinosaurs" died due to a glitch in the software that destroyed them.

However, I realized that I can make an expansion pack- the mammals will rule my Earth. I'm now only two million years before my project will go to the time you are reading this text. I created the "human"- Homos. Those creatures will rule all other living on Earth.

But after so many years I used almost all my budget. And I saw something weird in the game code- There is ten percent chance for human to sexually love other humans with the same sex. Fuck! Shit! No! I should have realized it before that! I coded the humans so they can't reproduce with someone with the same sex! I can't re-write the code! I have only a fraction of my budget I had that many years ago! So I used my last budget for the Downloadable Content, for short DLC- Watch how my last creation, HOMO-SAMA, change the world with his unique skill that I gave him!

 Renpuar was a small country. Despite being small, it has very different kind of people; From Hindus, Christians, Muslims, but mainly Jews, and a lot of them. Professor Kaisa was one of the most famous children's education doctors in the country. Only one rivaled him, but she barely used to show at morning news.

Kaisa woke up as usual this day. He went to the TV studio as usual and started to talk about how to take care of kids who makes mess to their parents.

"In the end, the most important thing about being a parent is that your child needs to have limits" said Kaisa proudly. "Without limits, you are only hurting your own child, your own flesh and blood. The most important thing you have in your life."

"Amazing words as usual as usual from Kaisa" Said the show presenter.

"And if that doesn't work, throw him off the fifth floor or something" said Kaisa quietly.

"What did you say? Our watchers at home didn't hear your amazing words"

"Oh! Nothing! I'm sorry"

Thank god that nobody heard those words. His whole career could be ruined. After the long day at work, Kaisa went to his apartment at one of the most expensive building at the country, at the 30th floor. He had the money to allow himself, with his reputation he built himself at Renpuar. Despite being 63 years old, many people gave him money for free, and even wanted to suck his old dick. He was that famous, and nobody in the country hated him.

However, Kaisa had a lot to hide. So I'll tell you the story that only very few knows. At the time of Kaisa was 25 years old, and went to Switzerland to become a doctor.

"So you want to become a doctor at our hospital?" asked the hospital manager.

"Yes sir!" said Kaisa.

"As far I can see from your documents you never studied to become a doctor. The only thing you have is passing the Losyaoi School. You studied to become a sports teacher, not a doctor. You sure have the guts to ask me such a thing."

"Yeah, I'm sorry… "

"But I like your guts. You see, I have a need for a main doctor at one place that nobody wants to handle."

"Tell me what that is! I'll do everything!"

"Do you know what is Cerebral Palsy or CP for short? Those are people who have problem with their brain. If you wish, I can put you to take care of those kids."

"Yes! I'll Do Everything!"

"So if you really wish for it, let's bang right now"

"Wha- What????"

"Just kidding, you are not my type at all."

And so, two weeks later, Kaisa started to work as a doctor. As a way for supervisions, the entire department had to be filled with cameras, so they will know about the patients. Kaisa's first week was terrible. He didn't realize how difficult it is to take care of those poor patients. They screamed many times. After a week Kaisa got into his breaking point. Once another patient screamed, he got mad and threw his shoe on his face. The other doctors looked shamefully on Kaisa. How could he do it?! Kaisa understood this, and asked for their forgiveness.

"Doctor, I won't tell about it to anyone, but please, don't do it ever again!" said one of the nurses.

And so, a few days passed without an issue. But again, Kaisa got into his breaking point once again. This time, he didn't throw a shoe, but a glass of water. It shattered on the patient face, making him go blind. The screams could be heard in the entire hospital, but nobody was thinking that something unusual went through. Screams were the everyday life of that department.

"That's It, Kaisa!" said other nurse "I'm going to the police!"

"That's DOCTOR Kaisa for you, you vermin!" shouted Kaisa.

"SHUT UP, you almost killed him!"

"You are part of this! If I'm going down, the entire department is going down with me!"

For some reason, they all seemed to forget that there are cameras. They never used them anyway, so somehow they forgot.

 "No… no! I can't let anyway know that happened!"

"Then be a good boy and don't say anything"

But the abuse didn't stop. In half a year, they almost killed the entire department. Those poor patients' health, both physical and mental went worse. Kaisa realized at one point he was addicted to hurting the patients. He got crazy.

Five years later Kaisa got a weird call from the hospital manager. "Kaisa! You must run away! Remember the cameras? So someone from government came in and checked them. You must run away from the country before they'll start thinking about a trial!"

And so, Kaisa ran away. He went back to his home country. Somehow, he succeeded in making the people of Renpuar thinking that he was a children doctor. He never was. When you say the same thing 999 times, in the thousand time they'll probably believe you.

And back to our time. Kaisa was in a deep sleep in his apartment. He went sleeping in his favorite hour- 8:00 PM. But, at 8:45 very noisy knocks were heard on his door.

"What now?!" said Kaisa to himself.

"Dr. Kaisa!" said the neighbor behind the door. "You must watch the news. That's… a lie right?!"

Kaisa started watching the news. Oh no… they got him, after all those years…

"And so, we finally understood who Kaisa really is! And don't dare to run away Kaisa, there is full army to arrest you under you building, coming to your apartment."

Fuck! Shit! No! He can't jump to run! It is the fucking 30th floor! But of course he had to buy an apartment that high! So he can watch the small people beneath him. Jumping is a certain death! But if he'll be captured is even worse! They'll put a metal stick in his rectum while making Constantine; the horny elephant of the local zoo have fun with him.

"It is the Police! open up, Kaisa!"

Kaisa decided to open, after long thinking of five seconds that looked like an eternity. Maybe Constantine is not that bad…

The policeman opened the door. He had an orange hair, two lines of tattoos goes from his eyes to his chin, and a tattoo on his forehead of the letter "M".

"You are not an ordinary cop, aren't you?" asked Kaisa.

"You got it right" said the cop "I can save you, Kaisa. But, only if you'll be my slave"

Kaisa understood he had no choice. "Fine! But, if we are going to be allies I need to know your name at least."

"I can't tell you my real name. But, I'll tell you my code name- Raven Hulk"



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